Nueva versión con las últimas modificaciones para la edición española
Este Catecismo, aprobado por la Santa Sede, expone la fe de la Iglesia y la doctrina católica, constituye un instrumento válido y autorizado al servicio de la comunión eclesial, y es una norma segura para la enseñanza de la fe.
Spanish Edition. Revised Edition includes the 2018 revision of no. 2267 promulgated by Pope Francis. The complete exposition of Catholic doctrine. Revised in accordance with the official Latin text promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1997. This edition includes a 40-page glossary of terms, a 63-page index of citations from sources and in-brief texts on core teachings, a 108-page index, and color illustrations of Catholic art. The main text is set in approximately 11-point type. The essential elements of faith are presented in an understandable manner, enabling everyone to read and know what the church professes, celebrates, lives and prays. In the words of Pope John Paul II, this Catechism is "a sure norm for teaching the faith." Paperback, 6 x 9, 920 pages. Imprimatur. (©2019) (16 per case)
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